asian continent 意味

発音を聞く:   asian continentの例文
  • Asian Continent


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. mixed with grasslands across the entire europe and asian continent
    ヨーロッパ全土およびアジア大陸 スペインから朝鮮まで
  2. it was influenced by the armor of mounted clans from the asian continent .
  3. however , the possibility that it arrived from the asian continent earlier than the above cannot be denied .
  4. the invasion of the asian continent and the dispatch of troops to korea finished upon hideyoshi ' s death .
  5. yet it was not unusual as the mongolian horse from the asian continent of the time was about the same size .


        continent:     continent n. 大陸. 【動詞+】 A railroad bridged the North American continent in the 1870s. 1870 年代に鉄道が北米大陸を横断した cross the continent by train 列車で大陸を横断する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the two American cont
        on the continent:    大陸{たいりく}には
        asian:    {名} : アジア人 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : アジアの、アジア的な -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】e'i
        s asian:     S Asian {略} : South Asian 南アジア
        african continent:    African Continent アフリカ大陸 アフリカたいりく
        american continent:    American continent アメリカ大陸 アメリカたいりく
        antarctic continent:    《the ~》南極大陸{なんきょく たいりく}
        australian continent:    オーストラリア大陸{たいりく}
        continent collision:    大陸衝突{たいりく しょうとつ}
        continent formation:    continent formation コンチネントフォーメーション[地球]
        continent of china:    continent of China 中国大陸 ちゅうごくたいりく
        continent of countries:    さまざまな国から成る大陸{たいりく}
        continent of europe:    ヨーロッパ大陸{たいりく}
        continent wide:    {形} :
        continent-wide:    {形} : 全米{ぜんべい}の


  1. "asian club" 意味
  2. "asian club foundation" 意味
  3. "asian collective security system" 意味
  4. "asian community trust" 意味
  5. "asian conference on mental retardation" 意味
  6. "asian corporate governance association" 意味
  7. "asian countries" 意味
  8. "asian cricket council trophy" 意味
  9. "asian crisis" 意味
  10. "asian community trust" 意味
  11. "asian conference on mental retardation" 意味
  12. "asian corporate governance association" 意味
  13. "asian countries" 意味

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